child care

Okanogan County Non-Profit Receives Grant To Expand Child Care Services
Okanogan County Non-Profit Receives Grant To Expand Child Care Services
Okanogan County Non-Profit Receives Grant To Expand Child Care Services
An Okanogan County organization that provides assistance to children and families is receiving over $136,000 in grant funding from Washington State. The Okanogan County Child Development Association (OCCDA) is one of 18 entities chosen to receive $2 million in Child Care Partnership (CCP) grants from the Washington State Department of Commerce...
Child Care Causing Concerns for Parents/Workers
With kids out of school for summer vacation, working parents face the higher seasonal costs of child care. In Washington state, care for a child younger than four can range from eight-thousand to nearly $1,600 a year, which is about the same as in-state tuition for a public college...
OSPI Offering Food Grants for Child Care Centers
Licensed child care facilities, in-home child care providers, after-school programs and emergency shelters can apply for grants through Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to help defer costs of caring for low-income kids. OSPI Supervisor of Child and Adult Food Care Programs Adele Roberts says they want to improve the nutrition for kids...