City of Cashmere

Cashmere Invites Residents to Provide Input on Future for Cashmere Lagoon Land
Cashmere Invites Residents to Provide Input on Future for Cashmere Lagoon Land
Cashmere Invites Residents to Provide Input on Future for Cashmere Lagoon Land
The city of Cashmere is looking for input on the future of roughly 20 acres of land where the former wastewater lagoons were. There will be a community forum in March to gauge what residents' would support for development in this area. "It could be parks, environmental, economic development - what is it that the city residents' would really like to see that land use for when you think about t
Cashmere’s Sherman Water Reservoir Replacement Process Starts October
Cashmere’s Sherman Water Reservoir Replacement Process Starts October
Cashmere’s Sherman Water Reservoir Replacement Process Starts October
Earlier this year in March, city of Cashmere's Sherman Water Reservoir had a failing roof and the month of October marks the beginning of that replacement process. The preliminary work occurs this week, meaning the draining of the tank for the reservoir is being conducted the week of September 30th...