
Moses Lake Firefighters Save Pets from Mobile Home Fire
Moses Lake Firefighters Save Pets from Mobile Home Fire
Moses Lake Firefighters Save Pets from Mobile Home Fire
Twelve Moses Lake firefighters responded to a fire on Marina Drive with pets still trapped inside. On June 30 around 8:37 p.m., firefighters were met with thick black smoke coming from the structure. Upon arrival, the family were outside the home telling the firefighters that their pets were still inside the home...
Hale Park Offleash Area Closed Week of January 27
Hale Park Offleash Area Closed Week of January 27
Hale Park Offleash Area Closed Week of January 27
The City of Wenatchee will be closing the offleash dog park at Hale Park during the week of January 27th. Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director Dave Erickson says they will be working on some fence repairs on the south side of the facility which will require the fence to be down for a few days and they don't want dogs escaping from the area...