north cascades

Newhouse Reacts To Final Impact Statement On Grizzlies
Newhouse Reacts To Final Impact Statement On Grizzlies
Newhouse Reacts To Final Impact Statement On Grizzlies
Washington's 4th District U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-Sunnyside) is voicing his opinion of the federal government's final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the potential reintroduction of grizzly bears to the North Cascades. Newhouse released a statement late Thursday saying the The U...
Best Stargazing Spots in NCW
Best Stargazing Spots in NCW
Best Stargazing Spots in NCW
It's not surprising I suppose that since I consider myself a bit of a Star Kiddo (i.e., that I'm not really from around these Earthly parts ;-) that I love to go stargazing. Even if you don't identify with being from some vastly distant place in the cosmos like I do, stargazing is a great way to remind us all exactly where we come from...