washington supreme court

Getting kicked out of your rental. You may have a case in court.
Getting kicked out of your rental. You may have a case in court.
Getting kicked out of your rental. You may have a case in court.
I have a friend whose greatest fear is the potential of being evicted from her home. She is retired and on a fixed income and spends more than 2/3 of her Social Security check just on rent. Her fear is that her rent will go up to a point where she can't afford it and then will find herself on the street because she can't find another place to live...
Rep. Steele 'Frustrated' by Court's Ruling Over Capital Gains Tax
Rep. Steele 'Frustrated' by Court's Ruling Over Capital Gains Tax
Rep. Steele 'Frustrated' by Court's Ruling Over Capital Gains Tax
Many of the state's Republican lawmakers are up in arms over Friday's ruling by the Washington Supreme Court that upholds the constitutionality of a capital gains tax passed by the legislature in 2021. Twelfth District Rep. Mike Steele (R) of Chelan says the court's decision will not only make the legislature's budget writing process more difficult, but it could also end up extending the 2023 sess
State Supreme Court Decision Allowing Marijuana Business Does Not Overturn Chelan County Ban
State Supreme Court Decision Allowing Marijuana Business Does Not Overturn Chelan County Ban
State Supreme Court Decision Allowing Marijuana Business Does Not Overturn Chelan County Ban
A Chelan County ban on marijuana growing businesses remains in place, despite a state Supreme Court decision allowing one operation to reopen. The high court found that Seven Hills Farm established its business before the county placed a moratorium on marijuana producing operations in 2015, and banned them a year later ...