Leavenworth city council recently signed off on $5,000 sign-on bonuses for applicants who apply for a city position.

Leavenworth Communications Analyst Christie Voos said they have been having trouble attracting talent alongside other government agencies, and received no bites on multiple job postings.

“Despite our best efforts of posting on the relevant job boards, websites, getting the word out through social media and email, and even through our local contacts and recruiting, our directors and our staff were helping us recruit, and we just weren't receiving any applications,” Voos said.

Some obstacles the city has been facing include the overall competitiveness of the job market for employers and the lack of affordable housing in Leavenworth.

An experienced candidate could receive up to $5,000 or 40 vacation or sick days.

Funding for each position will come from various city funds (i.e. parking department jobs will come from the parking fund).

Sign-on bonuses will only be offered to those who apply for a position that has been open for a month or more, with no other applicants applying.

This offer will expire on Dec. 31, 2023.

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