The Chikamin Fire, burning 11 miles north of Plain in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, has seen minimal growth over the last couple of days and is now at 347 acres.

Cooler temperatures left behind by a passing cold front greatly assisted firefighting efforts.

Smokejumpers and the Entiat Hotshots finished lining the east perimeter of the fire Saturday. The Hotshots will continue working on constructing handline up to the Wolverine scar on the north side of the fire Sunday.

On the west side of the fire, crews have constructed the necessary handlines and have a hose lay with sprinklers in place. Containment lines will be patrolled in the coming days by crews, aircraft, and drones to make sure it's secure.

Helicopters have dropping water and providing reconnaissance, dropping over 200,000 so far. The fire is roughly 50% contained.

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