
Stay Alert, Be Ready - Self Defense in the Wenatchee Valley
Stay Alert, Be Ready - Self Defense in the Wenatchee Valley
Stay Alert, Be Ready - Self Defense in the Wenatchee Valley
We hear more and more bad things happening in our world, and yet it seems we can't do anything to stop it! We can prepare ourselves though. And we can make sure we take steps to ensure our safety in the Wenatchee Valley.
Walmart Donates $1,000 to Wenatchee Police Department
Walmart Donates $1,000 to Wenatchee Police Department
Walmart Donates $1,000 to Wenatchee Police Department
Walmart donated $1,000 to the Wenatchee Police Department this week as a way to help our area's homeless population. According to the Department's Facebook page, Officers contact many people throughout patrol shifts who are homeless and in need of assistance...