Wenatchee School District Looking To Get Student Achivement Up In Reading, Math
The Wenatchee School District (WSD) has released data about the proficiencies of its students in subjects like reading and math.
The statistics, which are based on the 2022-2023 school year, were presented at a meeting of the WSD Board of Directors this week.
The district's Executive Director of Learning and Teaching, Heidi Busk, says 48.7% of WSD students were reading at or above their grade level during the last school year.
"We have some work to do there," said Busk. "We're filling those holes to help them (students) be able to access that complex text."
Student capabilities in math fared worse by the numbers, with 38.9% of children in the district achieving standards that were at or above their grade level.
WSD board member Martin Barron says he's confident the district's figures in both categories will improve.
"It's a long road," said Barron. "And when we look at these baseline statistics, we can see that. But it's doable, step by determined step."
The district also revealed that 63.1% of its 9th grade students passed all of their courses in 2022-2023.
The stats were provided as part of a set of learning goals outlined by the district as the 'Big 6', which also include having students experience high-quality instruction, belong and feel connected, and get involved in learning relevant to the real-world, as well as improve in reading and math and get on track to graduate from high school.