The Wenatchee Wild will cancel it's 2020 season and release all of its players after state and federal COVID restrictions have made it impossible for the team to play hockey this year.

General Manager Bliss Littler says the Wild would not have been able to play in the BCHL this year because the Canadian border will be closed at least until the end of the year, and while the team had received approval to play in the Western Hockey League for one year, the state's latest restrictions made that impossible as well. The state's COVID-19 restrictions state that hockey can't be played until Phase 3 of the Safe Start reopening plan.

"Basically we started an expansion team because we have to release all of our players. I think we'll do a good job recruiting." explained Littler, "We're excited to put a team on the ice next year. We're pretty proud of the show we're able to put on with our business operations, but right now it's going to be a challenge."

Littler added that despite having to refund all their ticket and corporate revenue, all 12 of the team's full time employees will remain on staff, in no small part because David White is the best owner in junior hockey.

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