Commissioner Bob Bugert to Visit Leavenworth and Plain in July
Chelan County Commissioner Bob Bugert will be hosting two community meetings in July at Leavenworth and Plain.
Budget will be joined by Natural Resources Director Mike Kaputa, Fire Marshal Bob Plumb, and Public Works Director Eric Pierson.
The July 7 meeting will be held at the community room of Chelan County Fire District #3 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The July 8 meeting will be held at the Beaver Valley Lodge from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
During the Leavenworth meeting, Chelan County Natural Resources Director Mike Kaputa will provide updates on the Leavenworth-area Tubing Study and on the Icicle Work Group. Kaputa will also provide an update on the Upper Wenatchee Pilot Project.
Chelan County Fire Marshal Bob Plumb will attend both meetings to talk about new fire-hazard designations and an update on the Wildland Urban Interface Code.
Chelan County Public Works Director Eric Pierson will be presenting the Cascade Orchard Bridge Deck Project, a project that started the week prior.