The rate of divorce across the country is an incredible 48%, nearly one out of two marriages.

When children are involved, as is the case for millions of former couples, another special occasion is upon us in Father's Day, leading to the challenges of the division of time spent with their kids.

In light of this, Mixbook conducted a survey of 3,000 divorced fathers to understand how many will not be able to spend Father's Day 2024 with their children.

The results show how divorced fathers in Washington fare versus Dads in other states when it comes to spending time with their kids this Father's Day

The Survey Findings

Nationwide, more than 1 out of 5 divorced dads (22%) say they are likely not going to see their kids for Father's Day.

  • In Georgia, 38% of divorced dads said they won't be spending time with their kids.
  • In Arkansas,  9% of divorced fathers will not get to see their children.
  • In Washington, almost 1-in-3 (30%) divorced dads won't have time with their kids on Father's Day.

How is missing out on Father's Day with their kids effecting divorced dads?

  1. 50% of the divorced dads said missing important moments with their children was the most challenging aspect.
  2. 26% cited feelings of disconnection from their kids as their biggest concern
  3. 26% also described feeling mental distress
  4. 4% mentioned the anxiety of having to explain the situation of not seeing the kids to others.

Overall, the results show 68% of divorced dads say that Father's Day is very important to them.

What are some fun Father's Day activities for divorced dads and their kids

The 3,000 dads surveyed said their ideal way to spend the day.

  • 40% enjoy having brunch with their children the most. Meals are a bonding activity.
  • 20% enjoy watching a movie or playing games at home, activities for quality time together.
  • 15% of dads said they like hiking or other outdoor activities with their children.
  • 14% mentioned that working on a DIY project can bring everyone together.
  • 11% said they enjoy watching or playing sports together to strengthen bonds through shared interests.

What about the rest of the year? What holidays or special occasions with the kids do divorced dads treasure the most?

To no surprise, divorced dads listed these days as the most important ones to spend with their children;

  • Kid's Birthdays 34%
  • Christmas 23%
  • Father's Day 22%
  • Summer Vacation11%
  • Thanksgiving 8%

Read More: The Roots of Father's Day Trace Back to Central Washington

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