East Wenatchee Council Revises On Street Parking Ordinance
The East Wenatchee City Council amend an ordinance that restricts recreational vehicle parking on streets. Mayor Jerrilea Crawford says the revision added language including recreational vehicles such as RVs, boats and trailers are limited to a 24 hour parking limit on on city right away.
"Of course that also includes RVs that people might be using to live in. So we will be asking folks to move along. They can't park on city right away. But we the other piece of our ordinance is to have a safe place for those folks to go and of course now that we have those two safe parking lots" Crawford said.
There are two "Safe Parks" in Wenatchee funded jointly by Wenatchee and East Wenatchee to allow people living in vehicles a safe place to occupy their RV, trailer or car as living space. One is located at 1450 S. Wenatchee Ave. next to Wenatchee Rescue Mission and another on Ohme Garden Road.

The revised ordinance Mayor Crawford explains is the mechanism to make sure that people aren't occupying an RV parked on city right of way as their place of residence. But another example is "where people who have those extra pieces of equipment and they maybe don't have a driveway big enough to to store them and they want to store them on the street which is really not designed for that. So it encompasses all of those things"
Mayor Crawford reasons if someone has friends visiting for a weekend in the summer and brings a boat or RV, it most likely won't be a problem unless its a concern for public safety, right of way access or being able to maneuver vehicles such as public works crews. In winter, to plow streets, etc. "But if you park your boat in front of your house on the street, all winter long, we are going to ask you to move it".
State of the City Remarks
Mayor Crawford and Wenatchee Mayor Frank Kuntz will deliver a State of The City program at the Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce on Friday, Feb. 10th at 8am. Crawford says "I appreciate being able to do that because it is a good chance to reflect on the on the year and what we've accomplished and what we're looking forward to"
Crawford says she will discuss the state of East Wenatchee's finances, road projects and other initiatives. Public Safety programs that were implemented in the Police Department and plans for 2023. For more information and to register
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