Eastmont High School Student is WA Senate Page
Ella Crawford, a junior at Eastmont High School, served as a Senate page during the week of Feb. 13-17 at the state Capitol in Olympia.
Crawford is the daughter of Christopher and Jerrilea Crawford of Wenatchee. Jerrilea Crawford is Mayor of East Wenatchee, WA
Crawford was sponsored by 12th District Sen. Brad Hawkins, R-East Wenatchee.
“Ella is a very bright young woman. She first applied to serve as a page two years ago, but the program was put on hold during the COVID pandemic. I’m so glad Ella was finally able to participate in the program. She definitely made the most of it,” Hawkins said.
Pages work together to draft their own bills and engage in a mock legislative session. She worked on a mock bill that proposed schools have a later start time.
“I wanted to be a page so I could gain experience in something I’ve never done before,” Crawford said, “I loved being on the floor, and seeing Senators discuss bills; they were all very respectful to everybody,” she said.
The Senate Page Program is open to Washington students between the ages of 14 and 16. While working at the Capitol, pages transport documents between offices, deliver mail and messages. Pages also attend page school to learn about parliamentary procedure and the legislative process.