Rep. Newhouse Happy with Supreme Court’s Abortion, Gun Decisions
Fourth District Republican Congressman Dan Newhouse has strong views on the latest Decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Friday, the court reversed its previous Roe vs. Wade decision, which now does away with a woman's constitutional right to an abortion.
Newhouse say the bombshell ruling restores the rights of the unborn.
"I really do think that we can call this a victory for, I would say, our most vulnerable," said Newhouse "It truly is a firm, strong statement that upholds the god given rights of all Americans."
The court's 5-4 decision fell mostly on ideological lines in favor of the conservative majority.
Notably, Chief Justice John Roberts broke rank and sided with the three liberal court members.
The law rescinds the right to an abortion, which had been in place for 50 years.
It will not likely change anything in the Democratically controlled State of Washington.
Meanwhile on Thursday, the court struck down a law in New York requiring anyone wanting to carry a handgun in public to prove that they have a “proper cause” to do so.
Newhouse thinks the justices correctly reversed a state law that he thinks is an infringement on Second Amendment rights.
"That was essentially a ban on the right to keep and bear arms outside of a person's home," Newhouse said. "I think the Supreme Court took away any ambiguity as to the extent of an individual's right to keep and bear arms."
The court's 6-3 decision was sharply divided on ideological lines in favor of the conservative majority.
The opinion was released on the same day that the U.S. Senate passed the most sweeping gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years, with 15 Republicans joining Democrats in the vote.
The House subsequently passed the bill on Friday, sending it to President Biden.