State Senator Judy Warnick, R-Moses Lake, and Representative Mike Steele, R-Chelan, have both introduced legislation that share the same goal of lowering costs of home ownership.

Warnick's Senate Bill 6328 offers the ability to boost affordable housing production east of the Cascade with a local infrastructure investment program. The bill would offer tax incentives to developers who build affordable housing in certain Eastern Washington communities.

“We need to give local jurisdictions more tools to meet affordable housing needs in their communities,” said Warnick. "Not more taxes or mandates, but it helps build needed housing."

Senate Bill 6238 was approved by the Senate Housing Affordability and Stability Committee and now awaits action by the Senate’s budget committee.

Steele's House Bill 1938 has the focus of increasing home affordability by creating a local infrastructure investment program to offset initial construction costs.

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