Motion Made to Prevent Health District from Giving COVID Vaccinations to Children
At a meeting this week, a member of the Chelan-Douglas Board of Health made a motion to prohibit health care employees from providing COVID-19 vaccinations or information about them to those under the age of 18.
Bill Sullivan, who was appointed to the board in March, has been critical about the COVID vaccine’s effectiveness and safety even prior to being on the board.
East Wenatchee mayor, Jerrilea Crawford - who also sits on the health board – said Sullivan’s motion occurred after the issue had been thoroughly considered due to its seconding by board chair Kevin Overbay.
“The motion actually followed quite a lengthy discussion about vaccine safety and opinions surrounding the vaccine.”
Sullivan presented numerous articles from various sources which allege the inefficacy of COVID vaccines, as well as the potential harm they might cause.
Several of the board’s other members countered Sullivan’s claims by citing other studies which tout the safety and effectiveness of COVID vaccines.
Crawford says she believes the discussion did little, if anything, to sway Sullivan or his fellow board members.
“I don’t think Mr. Sullivan’s information necessarily changed anyone’s opinion. And on the reverse, the information that was provided on the benefits of the vaccine – I don’t think that changed his opinion.”
The motion failed on a 9-to-1 vote.
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