RiverCom 911 Dispatch Looking For New Hires in Wenatchee
The work of a 911 emergency dispatcher is not for everyone but if you think you are interested in the job RiverCom is looking for as many as 7 telecommunicators, according to Doug Jones, Executive Director RiverCom in Wenatchee, WA.
Telecommunicator is the professional term used to identify what we think of as a 911 emergency dispatcher. The telecommunicator is the first voice you hear when you dial 911 for help and they also are the lifeline law enforcement depend upon for assistance and coordinating communication to fire agencies and other first responders.
RiverCom is the multijurisdictional dispatch for emergency and non-emergency calls for service to 22 law enforcement, fire, emergency medical public safety agencies operating in Chelan and Douglas counties.
Jones says there are currently seven openings for telecommunicators. The job pays well for the area, with a salary range of $4,528 - $6,091 plus a benefit package.. Jones says shift differentials and overtime can add to the pay telecommunicators earn. He adds no prior law enforcement or emergency dispatch experience is required and RiverCom will provide training for the successful candidates.
Janelle Brunette has been a telecommunicator at RiverCom for about two years and says she enjoys knowing every day on the job will be different "When I go to work, I don't know what I'm gonna get. I don't know what the next call is that I'm going to answer I like being able to help people, even though they don't see me. And I like being will be that first voice and try to calm people down before the responders do arrive."
Jones and Brunette agree, 911 dispatch work requires someone who is level-headed in crisis situations or when dealing with someone who is angry or hostile. There may be information that may be distressing to hear or hard to cope with.

The application and interview process for candidates that progress for further consideration will ultimately involve background investigation, psychological testing and drug screening but Jones says the first step is coming up on January 20th in Wenatchee.
Interested Applicants Should Complete Public Safety Testing in Wenatchee
Anyone interested in applying for the RiverCom telecommunicator positions must first signup and complete skills testing with Public Safety Testing (PST) on January 20th in Wenatchee, WA.
Testing will be held at Confluence Technology Center located at 285 Technology Center Way #102 in Wenatchee.
PST will also be testing applicants for any current or future openings for jobs in with Corrections, Law enforcement and Fire response agencies.
SIGN UP at PublicSafetyTesting.com
RiverCom will follow up with candidates who successfully complete the skill testing for further consideration.
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