Here are some of the most dangerous toys of all time based on their risk to kids and maybe you played with some of them growing up!

In many cases, these toys were so dangerous, they were blamed for deaths or serious injuries to children and were ultimately pulled from the market.  Some are still on the market today but in new, safer versions.

So here is Part 1 of the most dangerous toys according to a compilation from Good Housekeeping.  See how many you played with or purchased for your own kids?

#1 Ever heard of Aqua Dots?

Aqua Dots Getty Images
Aqua Dots Flickr

Hey Kids! Use the Aqua Dots pen to make a colorful design and spray with water to harden the dots into a permanent toy!

Guess what?  When the coating on the dots got wet, it released GBH, also known as the date rape drug!  Three kids went into a coma before the product was recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission in 2007

#2 The Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab

Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab kit Getty Images
Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab kit Getty Images

From the folks who brought you the Erector Set in the 60's.  The lab included four types of uranium ore.  Now what could go wrong?

#3 Barbie and Tanner, her pet dog

Barbie and Tanner Getty Images
Barbie and Tanner Getty Images

The point of Barbie and Tanner was "responsible pet ownership" and cleaning up after your pet.  Tanner could eat and actually poop out magnetic doggie waste.  Like many toy recalls, a magnet in the pooper scooper could come loose and cause a swallowing hazard.

#4 Buckyballs  Not supposed to be a toy!

Buckyballs magnets Getty Images
Buckyballs magnets Getty Images

These are still sold online from China and are marketed to relieve stress and to those who enjoy creating designs but in 2012, they were recalled when nearly 2,000 kids ended up in emergency rooms after swallowing them according to the Consumer Products Safety Commission.  Why do kids always swallow magnets?

#5 Clackers

Clackers Getty Images
Clackers Getty Images

You remember Clackers in the late 60's and early 70's but they were gone by the 80's because they could shatter into dangerous shards like glass.  I hated them because of the noise but you will find them for sale on Amazon.

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#6 The Easy-Bake Oven

Easy-Bake Oven Consumer Product Safety Commission
Easy-Bake Oven Consumer Product Safety Commission

Easy-Bake ovens were recalled twice in 2007 when children got their hands stuck inside.  The original Kenner Easy-Bake ovens used a light bulb to heat up the batter but the bulbs were replaced with an electric heating element for safety reasons.

A 1960's model in the original box was listed for sale at $349.99 on ebay

#7 Fidget Spinners

Fidget spinners can break Getty Images
Fidget spinners can break Getty Images

Fidget spinner were the thing in 2017, right? Even adults had them but the concern like many toys with small parts was the choking hazard to small children if the mechanism popped out.

#8 Hoverboards

Hoverboards Getty Images
Hoverboards Getty Images

What kid DIDN'T want a hover board in 2015?  The issue was the batteries could burst into flames if they were left charging too long.  A young child is reported to have died in a house fire blamed on a charging mishap.  Fortunately, the battery technology is safer now and the item is popular.

#9 Lawn Darts or Jarts

Lawn Darts Getty Images
Lawn Darts Getty Images

6,000 kids were treated for injuries and three people actually died from Lawn Darts injuries.  Not surprising when you had a flying spike and children involved.  The manufacturer agreed to no longer sell Lawn Darts as a "toy" in exchange for keeping it on the market but in the late 80's the Consumer Products Safety Commission had seen enough and banned Lawn Darts for good.

#10 Mini Hammocks

Mini Hammocks for kids Getty Images
Mini Hammocks for kids Getty Images

3 million were recalled in 1996 after the tragic death of a dozen children because of a design flaw.  There was no spreader bar so the hammock could twist around a child's neck getting in or out of the hammock.

That is the first half of the list and we will post 10 more dangerous toys we grew up playing with....and survived!

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