Wenatchee City Council Approves McKittrick Street Improvements
On May 26, 2022 a motion was requested authorizing Wenatchee Mayor Frank Kuntz to negotiate with SCJ Alliance for design services for the McKittrick Street Improvements. After some discussion, the Wenatchee Valley City Council approved the 2.8 million dollar McKittrick Street Improvement Project to upgrade the street from Pershing to Pine Street.
The city was notified on November 19, 2021 that it was awarded $2,298,100 for the proposed project. The City of Wenatchee provided an additional $566,490, and a Property Owner Improvement Agreement of $12,200 completed the funding for the project.
Wenatchee Public Works Department Project Engineer Ryan Harmon says the project will rebuild McKittrick Street between Pershing and Pine Street, "We were awarded nearly 2.3 million dollars that would extend bike lanes, widen the road, provide sidewalks, and it also provides an opportunity to work with the school district."
The project ties into recent upgrades on McKittrick Street near Pine Street, by completing work that includes curb, gutter and sidewalks on both sides of the road, illumination, storm-water collection and conveyance, upgraded signage, and increased road width, up to Pershing Street.
Harmon says that additional parking is included in the upgrade for the Foothills Middle School. "Soccer parking-Lots of activity," he said, " It's a drop off area for the school."
The project's anticipated completion date is 2024.
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