As Wenatchee School District students begin the year online with the hope of in-person instruction coming soon, the Wenatchee Internet Academy (WIA) has been resurrected for those that are going to need to spend the entire year online.

The academy started in the mid-2000's as just a high school program where students could take Social Studies, PE, and Health online. Due to budget cuts at the end of 2019, the it was put on hold.

Now, the WIA has been brought back with an expanded curriculum, including electives, and will now cover grades K-12. The academy is intended to provide consistency, including a virtual classroom with direct instruction from teachers, collaborative time with other students, and an independent work time.

Co-Facilitator Jennifer Devereaux said, "We know that there are students that will have some health concerns going back to school. We know that there are families that have members in the household who may have health concerns that really can't afford for a virus to be brought home. WIA really offers that safe learning environment and that consistency so that families know that there won't be a disruption in their student's learning."

For grades K-through-8, the curriculum will be the same as other forms of instruction in the district and staffed by teachers from within the district. 9th through 12th graders will use the Apex Virtual Learning School, which will be staffed by district-certified mentor teachers. AP and CTE classes will also be available via Apex.

Staff are currently working with Apex to develop more opportunities for students.

"We would like students' families who plan to put their students there to enroll as soon as possible because it certainly helps us with our numbers so we can make sure we have that adequate staffing happening." continued Devereaux, "So the sooner the better. I will say that student enrollment will be open at all times, even throughout the school year."

A handbook is available on the district's website, as is a link to register online.

For more information, email the academy at

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