After the demonstration at Tuesday's Wenatchee School Board meeting, Superintendent Paul Gordon says the board's prerogative is to still hold in-person meetings. However, the district will still expect anyone coming into a school or district building to be masked.

Gordon says his hope is that the community is still willing to come in and share their thoughts, but just like a parent expects a child to follow the rules, everyone needs to be adhering to the state's mandates.

"As parents, we had to hold the line and say 'These are the rules,' and there were consequences. We'll have … potential consequences from the state, like withholding funding and doing other things, if we're not following those rules."

Gordon added that the district's goal is to have their doors open to full in-person instruction all school year.

If another unmasked crowd shows up to a future meeting, the board will likely vote to move the meeting online with public comment still included.

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