Republican candidate for the 8th District representative seat, Jesse Jensen, shared a Facebook message thanking his supporters, congratulate his opponent, Kim Schrier on a great race and giving a shout out to county auditors for a fantastic election.

"Thank you to all the donors, all the volunteers. We've raised over $1 million," said Jensen. "We did this thing from nothing and it was all thanks to you guys."

Amid speculations of voter fraud, Jensen notes that it has been a democratic process in his eyes. He also applauded Secretary of State, Kim Wyman, for the Washington election process.

"You have run an election process that is transparent," said Jensen. "We saw no irregularities, we have 100% faith in the outcome of this election and I am proud to have been apart of the democratic process."

Jensen has 47% of the vote with Schrier at 52% as of Friday morning.

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