Wenatchee Valley College's Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is hosting a meet and greet with local author and actress Blanca Blanco Thursday.

Coordinator Marichuy Alvizar said Blanco is the author of "Breaking the Mold" and has appeared in over a dozen roles on screen.

"She graduated from Chelan (High School), got her bachelor's at Washington State University and her masters at Eastern Washington University." Alvizar said, "So she's going to come and talk to our students about herself, about being a first-generation student and everything she had to overcome to be where she's at right now."

Blanco will speak to students only at 1:00 pm in the Wells Hall Theater. At 5:30 pm she will open things up to everyone at the Jack and Edna Maguire Conference Center in Mish ee twie.

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