City Of Wenatchee Seeking Applicants For City Council
The City of Wenatchee is accepting applications for a new councilmember.
Position 2 on the council will soon be vacated by Mike Poirier, who will assume the roll of mayor next month after winning the seat in November's general election over Brian Campbell. Both had sought the position after current mayor Frank Kuntz decided not to run for re-election.
All candidates must be registered voters and are required to have resided within District 2 in the city of Wenatchee for at least one year prior to their appointment.
City administrator Laura Gloria says those who are interested can find a map of the District 2 boundaries online, and can also submit an application there.
"The application process is fairly simple. The application is online and asks a couple of questions about the city, your interest and background, and some references. We'll review those applications and then invite those who the council is interested in interviewing to a special city council meeting."
The special meeting will take place Feb. 1 and the council's final selection for District 2 will be officially sworn in one week later on Feb. 8.
Gloria says the City will also hold a reception for candidates on Jan. 9 at the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Tasting Room.
"That'll be a good time for those who are interested to come and meet your councilmembers and ask questions if you're interested in the position. You can learn more about the position and perhaps finalize whether you really are interested in serving on the council or not."
Printed applications are also available at City Hall.
All applications must be received or postmarked by 5 p.m. on Jan. 12.

Wenatchee Regional High School Art Show (Wenatchee Valley Museum)
Gallery Credit: Mark Rattner with KPQ Newsradio 560
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