In lieu of National Night Out, the Wenatchee Valley community's way of celebrating Law Enforcement and First Responders Appreciation Day, folks are encouraged to drop off thank yous, treats and drawings Tuesday from 10-3.

"We're encouraging people to stop by with notes, thank yous, posters, whatever you feel like to say thank you to them," said Linda Haglund, executive director.

Volunteers will be stationed at the eight headquarters for local first responders and law enforcement.

"What we want to do is to make all of them feel appreciated for the job they do to keep us safe every day," said Haglund.

Folks can drop thank yous off at Wenatchee Police, East Wenatchee Police, Chelan County Sheriff, Douglas County Sheriff, Lifeline, Ballard, Chelan County Fire District at 136 S. Chelan and Douglas County Fire District at 377 Eastmont Avenue.

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