The annual North Central Washington All Veteran Stand Down is this Saturday at the Wenatchee National Guard Armory on 5th Street from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

An opening ceremony will kick things off at 8:50 am with a presentation of colors and the National Anthem. At 9:00 am the doors will open to at risk & homeless veterans. All remaining vets will be able to attend from 10:00 am on.

Coordinator Ron Bruno said many vets are forced to bounce between priority healthcare systems like VA Health Care, TriWest Healthcare Alliance, the Community Care Network and Mission Act healthcare options.

"Where does the individual veteran fall? How do you educate the community on something like that? It's extremely difficult with the different priority groups that the veterans fall in." explained Bruno, "That's what we at The Bunker try to do in assisting the community is education of the veteran and helping them navigate the system."

Resources at the stand down include VA sign-ups, haircuts, tools, investment advice, dental help and other veteran services. Jimmy Johns will provide sack lunches for all veterans.

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