We pass by these places, just about every day, if not multiple times a day. But what do we actually know about these Wenatchee companies that have graced our valley for years? With locations ever changing and new businesses added, it's hard to even scratch the surface. So, I have compiled a fun list for us to just think on.
This event celebrates the flight Pangborn and Herndon took on Oct. 3, 1931, leaving the Sabishiro Beach in Misawa, Japan and, unfortunately, crashing into East Wenatchee.
The holiday season is around the corner and Numerica Performing Arts Center is gearing up for its annual holiday fundraiser, Festival of Trees, that runs from December 5-7. The Numerica PAC upper lobby and the Wenatchee Convention Center ballroom will be adorned in trees and wreaths of all sizes and colors for the public to stroll around and admire.