A permit has been issued for the construction of the new YMCA facility in Wenatchee, which upon completion will stand two stories high with a square footage of 32,000.
The utility is getting permits to build a public road through to the site that'll provide a link from 5th Street to the parking lot behind the Coast Hotel and Columbia Street.
Maybe you are like me and can’t take a summer break from work, in fact maybe it’s your busiest time. Well do something for yourself today that your future self will thank you for later! Get those kids signed up so you don’t have to worry about a waiting list or be stuck with having to figure things out last minute!
It happened at the intersection of Orondo and Chelan where the rolled vehicle nearly smashed into another vehicle before coming to rest on the sidewalk.
Chelan County is inviting the public to a celebration marking the recent establishment of Nason Ridge as the state’s newest community forest.
Nason Ridge provides important fish and wildlife habitat and is a major recreation destination in the region.