To wear a mask or not is a question many people are asking.

Chelan Douglas Health District Administrator Barry Kling says there is ample evidence that personal protective equipment, including masks, gowns and high protection, works in a health care setting.

"But the evidence on how that works out in the public when people are wearing masks, but not all the other things, is not very clear."

Kling says he's worried masks could make people feel too safe.

"You don't worry about washing your hands so much. Maybe you're not as careful about what you touch and all that. That's going to be a problem. The mask may help a little but there's lots of ways people catch this besides breathing it in."

Kling says a mask would help contain the disease better for people who are contagious.

The White House recently recommended people wear masks when they are out in public, something Kling was a little more cautious on, but not against.

"It doesn't take an N95 mask. Those are only need for very tiny particles. Even in health care they are only used under certain circumstances. If that [wearing a mask] would make you feel more comfortable, particularly if you're having symptoms and you want to make sure not to give them away to anyone, there's nothing wrong with doing it."

If you do wear a mask for a while, be careful to not touch the outside when removing it.

Also, wash it in hot water and high heat to kill the virus, should it be on the mask.

You can also use bandanas or scarves folded into three layers.

You can hear the full conversation from Friday's Agenda below:

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