Policing reform bills have been a key component in this current legislative session and the House of Representatives recently passed a handful to head to the Senate.

Some legislators, such as 12th District Representative Keith Goehner, are concerned it could have a lasting impact on the law enforcement profession.

"We have people who have really felt law enforcement is a calling, they really want to serve their communities," said Representative Keith Goehner. "What we've done in the last week has really undermined their ability to do their job."

Several bills focused on police reform that passed out of the House and are headed to the Senate include: HB 1054, HB 1267 and HB 1310. These bills include tactics and equipment, investigations and use of force.

"We need to give them (police officers) every resource to do their job well. I think removing tools from their toolbox makes us all less safe," said Representative Mike Steele. "Just like every industry, there are bad actors and we need to identify those bad actors."

The House of Representatives also passed three bills focused on policing in February.

"We recognize there are people who are bad actors and abuse their position. But we have to understand to the position we ask these people to put themselves in for the public safety," said Goehner.

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