Plain and Leavenworth residents are invited to upcoming community meetings hosted by Chelan County Commissioner Bob Bugert.

Bugert will chat with the Leavenworth community alongside Mayor Carl Florea on March 31 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Barn Beach Reserve. He'll then visit Beaver Valley Lodge on April 1 to visit with Plain residents from 9 to 11 a.m.

"[The community meetings] have been very beneficial for us to hear from community members," said Bugert. "To know where the priorities are, to address any questions and anything along those lines."

The Leavenworth meeting will touch on short term rentals, provide an update on the renovation of the Cascade Orchard Bridge and discuss recreational needs of the Icicle Creek. The Plain meeting will focus on short term

The Leavenworth meeting will also be available to view on Zoom. The Plain meeting requires in person attendance.

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