The City of Wenatchee looks to be close to selling its last parcel of surplus land north of what will be the McKittrick Street extension.

The city entered into a purchase and sale agreement with the owners of Sav-Mart for a plot of land the city acquired in its purchase of NW Wholesale.

Mayor Frank Kuntz said Sav-Mart will use the $252,000 property in part as overflow parking.

"If it helps with their business and helps them with the garden center and stuff that's going on, for us it was the same price either way. I think with all the stuff that's going on there's no reason for us not to sell it to our Sav-Mart family and let them have it," Kuntz explained.

The 10,000 square foot parcel is located behind the Velocity Insurance Group building on North Wenatchee Avenue. Like the other land agreements in the area, the final sale is dependent upon the construction of North Columbia Avenue by December of 2021.

The city purchased property from Northwest Wholesale to facilitate the building of North Columbia Avenue and the McKittrick Street extension necessary to implement the North Wenatchee Redevelopment plan.

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