East Wenatchee Asking for Public’s Input on City’s 2023 Budget
The City of East Wenatchee is in the process of finalizing its budget for the 2023 fiscal year and is asking for the public’s input.
Mayor Jerrilea Crawford feels it’s important for tax payers in the city to become educated and make any of their concerns known.
“We appreciate anybody in the community taking a look at our budget and giving us input. We go through two public hearing processes with our budget, so the public can feel engaged and ask questions. And it’s good for us to hear from the community about what they want.”
Crawford adds the city’s budget isn’t a subject that generally draws a lot of citizen interest but the feedback they do receive is always valuable.
“We rarely get participation on budget topics but it is a way for us to see what is important to city and what we need to be working on. We have two public hearings before the end of the year.”
The next public hearing is on Tuesday, November 1 at the regularly-scheduled monthly meeting of the city council.
The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at East Wenatchee City Hall.