Entiat School District placed a 20 year bond measure on the recent Chelan County election ballot and the measure passed with 61% of the vote. The $6 million bond will cover infrastructure improvement, according to Superintendent Miles Caples.

"We need to replace the roof. The roof is well over 25 years old for the majority of the facility here and so it's met it's lifespan," said Caples.

Among replacing the dated roof, other items on the to do list include replacing the HVAC system (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) on the middle school, high school gym and office area. The school district also plans to replace the windows at the middle, high school that were put in during a remodel circa 1994 that aren't as energy efficient.

"We're very thrilled with the support from our community," said Caples. "We have a very supportive community but as we know in these times, bond issues aren't an easy sell. But I think our community saw the need to take care of our structure here."

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