Grant County is now the fourth county in Washington to have a ban on local income taxes after a unanimous vote of its commissioners this week.

Twelve cities, including Moses Lake, have a similar ban.

The county and city bans differ from a Washington Appeals Court decision in 2019 that allows for a flat 1 percent local income tax.

There is also a bill in the upcoming state legislature that would authorize local income taxes as long as other local taxes (sales, utility or property taxes) are reduced by an equal amount. 

The Grant County resolution banning local taxes states, “The Board of County Commissioners hereby declares that the imposition of a county income tax on the businesses and residents of unincorporated Grant County is prohibited. Such a tax would be in direct conflict with the high value the county places on promoting economic development through the attraction and expansion of financially healthy, family wage paying employers. Small businesses are the backbone of our local, regional, state and national economy and it is imperative that the county not put unnecessary hurdles in the way of their success.”

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