The Grant County Health District has made an announcement that as of Sunday, March 1st they were notified of an individual with symptoms consistent with possible COVID-19, Coronavirus. Following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Washington Department of Health (DOH) guidance, GCHD submitted a specimen to the Washington State Public Health Laboratories for testing with results expected within 3-5 days. GCHD will notify the individual and the public with results when available.

No details are currently being provided on the specific individual.

"This is affecting mostly elderly and immune compromised patients," said Amber McCoy, Environmental Health Specialist. "They're the ones getting the more severe illness."

Currently testing is only available at the state laboratory and not in Grant County.

If someone feels sick and are at risk for COVID-19, they should call their healthcare provider before going to get care and tell their doctor about their symptoms and travel. Their healthcare provider can give instructions so that others are not exposed.

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