Grant PUD commissioners are considering three proposed options that would mitigate financial impacts as a result of the pandemic on residential customers. Two proposals expand the options within Share the Warmth, a community funded program to aid folks struggling with electric bill payments.

"The first option would be to expand the pool of customers who could potentially qualify for the Share the Warmth program," said Christine Pratt, public information officer.

Qualified households may receive up to $300 during a 12-month period based on family size and income over three months through the Share the Warmth program. The first proposal would adjust the current three month income criteria to one month. The second proposal jump the offerings from $300 a year to $450.

"This would be temporary. All based on the pandemic and how long it takes for things to improve substantially," said Pratt.

The third option would be tacked onto the utility district's 20% discount for low income seniors and disabled customers. The 20% discount would be extended to low income families.

Commissioners will review the proposals and circle back at a later date to possibly implement the temporary changes.

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