Othello Schools Beefing Up Security After Monday Threat and Lockdown
The Othello School District is making immediate security changes after a student threat led to felony charges and a lockdown Monday.
A letter was sent to parents Tuesday outlining the changes, which include beefed up scrutiny on visitors and a requirement for all exterior doors at k-6 schools to be locked at all times.
Othello School District Spokesman Ed Petersen said there's widespread agreement the new security measures are needed.
“We believe we have received enough feedback from our community that these are prudent steps to take to improve the safety of our schools,” Petersen said in a video.
A 9th Grader faces felony harassment charge after being accused of making a threat on social media against McFarland Middle School Monday.
The threat led to a modified lockdown at several schools.
Othello Police presence will be increased at McFarland Middle School and Othello High School to provide extra security.
The superintendent, local police, and district administrators will give a presentation to the Othello School Board about school safety on Monday June 13th at 7pm in the district boardroom (1025 S. First Ave.). This meeting is open to the public.
The Eastmont School District in East Wenatchee put in new security measures last week after one of its students was accused of threatening to shoot up a school and was also charged with felony harassment.
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