Pangborn Still In Holding Pattern for Project Funding
The Chelan-Douglas Regional Port Authority is still in a holding pattern with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) over funding for a capital improvement project at Pangborn Memorial Airport.
The Port’s Director of Airports, Trent Moyers, says everything is in place for the overhaul, except the money to pay for it.
“We’re waiting for grant money to be awarded. We have a local contractor in place who was the low bid and we’re wanting to get that project started but still waiting for FAA funding.”
The project will reconstruct and relocate the taxiway at Pangborn to newly-required FAA standards.
Moyers says the Port has been in communication with the FAA regarding the issue, but they have been unable to provide a firm timeframe for when the grant money will be awarded.
“We’ve had conversations with the FAA about those funds and when they will be released, but they’ve not given us a specific date when it will happen – just the assurance of ‘any day now’ - but we haven’t seen them yet.”
Once allocated, the grant will cover 90 percent of the project’s total cost of $17.6 million.
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