Poirier, Campbell Move to General Election For Wenatchee Mayor
Results from Tuesday's primary show Mike Poirier (46%) and Bryan Campbell (40%) will face off in November's general election for mayor of Wenatchee, with James McLaughlin (14%) having been eliminated.
Incumbent Mayor Frank Kuntz is retiring.
Wes Cornelius (54%) leads Mark Miller (45%) in the race for Chelan County Assessor as both will move on to the general election.
Martin Barron has one of the highest percentages of the vote in any primary contest in Chelan County (56%). He leads the Wenatchee School District at-large position race and will face 2nd place vote getter Tricia Cleek (36%) in November. John LaCasse was eliminated from the race with a low vote total (7%).
In the District Four school board contest, Miranda Skalisky (54%) will face Kendra Martin (26%) in the general election as Joe Cortez (20%) dropped out of the race, although he still appeared on the ballot.
The race for mayor of Chelan is too close to call. Erin McCardle (32%) leads John Olson (21%) and incumbent Bob Goedde (28%). Stan Morse appears to be eliminated with a vote count too low to stay in the race (7%).
Incumbent Carl J. Florea (49%) has a commanding lead in the race for mayor of Leavenworth. He'll face either Rich Brinkman (28%) or Beck Subido (22%) in the November election.
Turnout in Chelan County is roughly 24%, which is lower than the 40%-45% turnout County Auditor Skip More was expecting.
There are only three races on all of Dougals County, with no primary races in East Wenatchee.
The Public Hospital District No. 1 Okanogan and Douglas Counties Public Hospital District No. 1 Proposition No. 1 is being rejected so far by 16 votes, with an estimated 50 ballots left to be counted in Douglas County.
The Bridgeport School District No. 75 District Director No. 3 at large position is still competitive, as Kate McPherson has 46 votes, Matt West has 42 votes and Jean Hardie has 38 votes. Results are for Douglas County only.
Ephrata School District No. 165 School Director #2 has Mike Fleurkens with 2 votes, Jordan Hansen with 1 vote and Shawn Cardwell with none. Those results are also only for Douglas County.
Voter turnout in Douglas County is about 18%.
The next primary vote update is scheduled for Friday.
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