Salvation Army Collects Food Supplies At AppleSox Game
The Salvation Army in Wenatchee has more nonperishable food items to help the homeless and people in need.
The non-profit joined the radio stations of Town Square Media (including KPQ) for a food drive at the Wenatchee AppleSox game Tuesday evening.
Captain Nathan Darling heads the Salvation Army in Wenatchee, and he says the items collected will go directly to help the hungry.
"We will be using that to increase our supplies for the food boxes that we hand out," said Darling. "We remain very busy as I'm sure all the food banks have at this time."
The food drive at the AppleSox game brought in 115 pounds of nonperishable food items. Money donations were also accepted.
Nathan says people in need have easy access to the food boxes at the Salvation Army Social Service Office.
"People come to the building," said Darling. "So, we start that at one o'clock each afternoon Monday through Friday, and we're handing out those food boxes until three o'clock."
The Salvation Army also offers daily meals at 3:30pm on the grounds of its office at 1205 S Columbia St.
Other services provided include financial assistance with rent and utility bills. As well, community members can shower at facilities inside the office.
The Salvation Army is also partnering with the cities of Wenatchee and East Wenatchee, and other stakeholders, on a low barrier shelter that's planned for a site across the street from the nonprofit's office.
The shelter will have dozens of tiny homes that'll each house one person on a temporary basis.
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