Chelan County has contracted Serve Wenatchee Valley to manage the COVID-19 Emergency Food Assistance program until December 31st. The program is designed for Chelan County residents directly impacted by COVID-19 - whether that be an isolation order due to having COVID or having had direct contact with someone that has the virus and asked to stay home.

"The benefit of that is that we're looking to reduce the transmission in our community," said Thom Nees, executive director. "We encourage if you got that situation and can't provide safely for food for your family while you're staying at home either isolated or quarantined, the food assistance is for those families."

The box will also contain emergency items such as cleaning supplies.

"We encourage folks that are affected by COVID that are not sure how to provide food while isolated or quarantined then this is an answer for you and it will be delivered right to your door," said Nees.

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