The legislation aims to make the sale, importation, transfer, manufacture or possession of semi-automatic-type weapons and high-capacity ammunition feeding devices a criminal act
4th District Representative Dan Newhouse voted against the package of gun safety measures that passed out of the House of Representatives Wednesday, known as the Protect Our Children Act.
Proponents of the legislation claim the package would take a number of steps to prevent gun violence, including:
Raising the purchasing age for semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21 years old
Cracking down on gun
Global dependence on Russia for the uranium product high-assay low-enriched uranium, or HALEU, is beginning to worry some members of the Congressional Western Caucus.
4th District Representative and Western Caucus Chair Dan Newhouse said Russia is the only commercial supplier of the fuel, which is used in the latest generation of nuclear reactors
4th District Representative Dan Newhouse is unhappy with President Biden's announcement Thursday that he will be releasing oil out of the country's strategic reserve while also asking Congress to fine or otherwise compel energy companies who have leases but aren't producing to ramp up production
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is pleading for more foreign help against the Russian invasion of his country, addressing members of Congress recently.
4th District Representative Dan Newhouse was there for the address and said Zelensky is asking for as much aid as possible from the west and its allies, including defensive weaponry