The Chelan-Douglas two county area vaccinated its 50,000th resident Tuesday as over 50% of the eligible population has been at least partially vaccinated against COVID-19.

41% of the overall population, including children, have received at least one dose. At our current levels the region should reach the 70% herd immunity goal by June 15th.

Chelan-Douglas Health District Administrator Luke Davies said since all Washingtonians 16 and over became eligible last week officials have seen quite a bit of enthusiasm, meaning it still could be a while before the 'saturation point' when vaccination sites like the Town Toyota Center become less effective.

"We are also in the process of standing up our own mobile units to provide what I call 'clean up duty.' Making sure we go through and get anybody who maybe hasn't had a chance to get vaccinated," explained Davies.

The health district is also in discussions with Douglas County about a mobile unit based out of the Douglas County Fairgrounds.

The region's COVID-19 vaccination rate is right above the national average, despite the fact that 5-10% of the state-level registrations in the area are from King County.

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