Arson Suspected in Fire Near Downtown Wenatchee Railroad Tracks
The Wenatchee Valley Fire Department responded to a fire near the railroad tracks behind the Wenatchee Convention Center on Monday afternoon.
Crews were dispatched to the 200 block of North Wenatchee Avenue around 6:40 and discovered a pile of railroad ties fully ablaze.
The fire was knocked down within 20 minutes and Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railroad assisted with mop up efforts by providing a front end loader.
Fire department spokesperson, Kay McKellar, says the fire is being investigated in association with criminal intent.
"Investigators determined the fire was intentionally set. The (Chelan County) PUD has cameras in that area which may have captured footage of who and what started the fire."
McKellar adds the investigation is ongoing.
"Right now they're just waiting on the photos from those PUD cameras to see if they can identify who started the fire."
No structures were damaged and no injuries reported.
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