Cashmere School District Reveals Results from Racial Discrimination Investigation
The Cashmere School District shared a third-party investigator’s findings from the racial discrimination investigation conducted in one of their schools.
On May 5, a Cashmere High School graduate reported the racist encounters he experienced as one of the few black students within the school district.
Freelance reporter Dominick Bonney shed light on Dotson’s experience on Crosscut.
According to his article, classmates would drop racial slurs at least 100 times a week, both around the graduate and directly towards him.
According to the district's letter, administrators disciplined four students for racial discrimination and bullying.
Earlier in June, Cashmere High School Principal Craig MacKenzie shared that they are waiting to hear back from the third-party investigator, Ryan Rectenwald, from Clear Risk Solutions out of Moses Lake.

Both the district and Rectenwald found evidence of students using racial slurs in a Snapchat group, which carried into school activities.
The letter also claims that the allegation that a staff member “failed to respond or address the behavior was not substantiated.”
District administrators have ordered staff members to produce a video on respectful communication for both students and staff. Peer mentors and athletic coaches have also been ordered to discuss respectful communication with students during the summer.
Going forward, the district will be giving both students and staff bystander intervention training at the beginning of the next school year, review management procedures, implement a school improvement plan, and regularly meet with student leaders.
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