Chelan-Douglas Regional Port Authority Grants Nearly $400k towards Pangborn Airport’s Apron Rehab Project
The Chelan-Douglas Regional Port Authority granted a near additional $400k towards the Terminal Apron Project for Pangborn Memorial Airport last Tuesday.
Terminal Aprons are designated for loading and unloading aircrafts and provide additional parking for multiple aircrafts.
Back in June 22, 2021, the Port awarded Spokane-based civil engineering firm T-O Engineers $10,954,085 to rehabilitate the distressed terminal apron, which includes approved design fees, the construction contract, and a 5% contingency.
Port Authority Public Works and Capital Projects Manager Stacie de Mestre wrote that they already factored in future costs coming from approved change orders and a pending electrical change order.
T-O Engineers asked for an additional $398,201 to inspect concrete ramp materials, along with extended contract time and materials needed to conduct the inspection.
The Port Authority will only be paying $220,306, with $372,991 coming out of the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Grant Funds to pay for their out-of-pocket expenses.
The Terminal Apron Reconstruction project will now cost a total of $11,656,628.
According to T-O Engineers, the size and scope of the project has doubled since 2020, and construction was delayed due to funding and supply-chain issues hindering construction for the past two years.
The original plan was to reconstruct the terminal apron with a single taxilane entrance, with only an asphalt ramp factored into the plan.
In order to lay both asphalt and concrete, engineers required additional expertise, special inspections, and quality assurance testing for the concrete pour.
Their timeline was extended from 91 days of work to 163 days.
Both designs for asphalt and concrete pavement were provided and accepted by the Port Authority.
T-O Engineers also added an additional taxilane to provide a second entrance for the apron, including a 700-ft. reconstruction of Taxiway ‘A’ to connect the apron.
Construction on the Terminal Apron Project is projected to finish by January of 2023.
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