Today is the day for graduation and nurse pinning ceremonies at Wenatchee Valley College.

The nurse pinning is a symbolic welcoming of newly graduated nurses into the nursing profession that dates back to the 12th century worldwide.

WVC spokesperson Libby Siebens says the ceremony is special.

"It's a great event where families come to honor each student," said Siebens. "Audience members will hear a little bit about each individual student. Family members will be a part of the ceremony as they come up to pin the person. It's really a heart warming and fun ceremony."

Siebens says the ceremony follows another long standing tradition. "It ends every year with the reciting of the Nightingale pledge. That's Florence Nightingale. And it's a candle lit portion of the ceremony."

Florence Nightingale was an English social reformer and statistician in the 1800s, who is considered the founder of modern nursing.

A pinning ceremony does not reflect the completion of all course material necessary to earn a nursing degree.

The graduating nurses from WVC have completed educational requirements to take their state licensing examination as an RN. The college also offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing four year degree.


The Wenatchee campus ceremony is scheduled for 7 p.m. today at the Wenatchee Apple Bowl Stadium.

The Omak campus ceremony is scheduled for 1 p.m. Saturday, at the Omak Performing Arts Center.

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