WVC To Hold Nurse Graduation Ceremony That Dates To 12 Century
A graduation ceremony with roots dating back to the 12th century will take place in Wenatchee.
It's the Wenatchee Valley College nurse pinning, which is the symbolic welcoming of newly graduated nurses into the nursing profession.
WVC director of nursing Dr. Jennifer Freese says it's a specific procedure.
“Family or friends or loved ones will pin each of the students during the ceremony with a Wenatchee Valley College specific pin that shows that they have earned their achievement, works hard to become a nurse,” said Freese.
The ceremony also includes the reciting of the Nightingale pledge, which is done by candlelight.
That portion is inspired by Florence Nightingale, who was an English social reformer and statistician in the 1800s and is considered the founder of modern nursing.
“It is just a really special ceremony that we include family and friends,” Freese said. “And there’s usually a very large turnout for it.
Last year, 700 people attended the ceremony. This year, 58 graduates will go through the ceremony at Wenatchee High School on Jule 13th at 1 pm.
They will have completed a two-year associate's degree program and will be eligible to take the exam to become a registered nurse (RN).
In addition, the Omak campus of WVC will hold a convocation for 13 students earning four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees on June 5, at 2 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church in Omak.
Another group of 15 students will be earning four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees through a slightly different path. Their convocation will be held on the Wenatchee campus on Friday, June 7, at 2 p.m. in Maguire Conference Center in Mish ee twie.

The graduates earning Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees can move on to obtain master's Degrees to become nurse practitioners among other things.
Nurses Week 2024
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